Saturday, May 14, 2011

Meditation Pillow

My next sewing creation... a meditation pillow. The couch pillows just don't cut it around minute 19. Snagged this article from the August 2010 issue of Yoga Journal and plan on making my very first meditation pillow. If all goes well, I will post pictures soon after! Directions below if you'd like to try it for yourself.
(Steps below are taken directly from the mag, so if you have the issue, you can find directions on page 28)

You'll Need:
3/4 yard of 54-inch wide fabric (washed, dried and pressed)
Water-soluble fabric pen or chalk
Clear ruler
3 lbs kapok stuffing (approximate measure)

Step 1:
Piece A - Cut out a rectangle 47 1/2 by 6 inches (or your preferred cushion height, plus one inch). Fold in half and snip a 1/4-inch notch at the top and bottom edges of the fold.

Piece B & C - Lay the fabric flat, right side facing up, and fold over one edge about 9 inches. Place the pattern along the fold, pin into place, and cut out. Snip a 1/4-inch notch at the top and bottom edges along the fold; you'll align these notches to match up with the ones in piece A. Repeat this step, so you end up with two identical pieces (B & C).

Step 2:
Fold piece A in half with the right sides together, matching up the two short ends. Stitch a 1/2-inch seam along this edge, backstitching at each end. Iron this seam open (each side of the seam allowance is pressed flat against fabric). Then turn piece A right side out.

Align the raw edges of piece A and piece B, with right sides of the fabric together. You will want to match up one of the notches on piece B with one of the notches on piece A, and match the other notch on piece B to the seam join on piece A. Pin piece A into place around the circumference of piece B. Stitch a 1/2-inch seam along the pinned edge, backstitching at each end, taking it slowly around the curved corners. (It's easiest to keep piece A on top while stitching.) Make a few small snips into your seam allowance around the curved corners, being careful not to cut into your stitching.

Repeat and sew piece C to the other raw edge of piece A, leaving a 6-inch opening along one of the short sides so you can turn your cushion right side out and stuff it. Iron a 1/2-inch seam allowance in the opening. turn the cushion right side out and iron.

Step 3:
Fill the cushion with kapok to your desired firmness. (Keep in mind the cushion will compress over time.) Pin the opening closed and hand stitch along the folded edges of the opening to close the seam.


Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled I found your post as I have been searching for the YJ article at the library. Did you make your pillow and if so, how did it turn out?? thank you!

Ashley Stuart said...

I have yet to make the pillow, but it is definitely on my to-do list of crafts! I will post the final when I'm done and please let me know if you try it as well! Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Great, thanks! It is on my 'to do' list too, along with an eye pillow for me and for my two boys. It's just getting to all of these things!! I'll keep you posted too. :)

Anonymous said...

I made the pillow and posted it on my new blog with a quick pic. I added an inch to the height of the pillow and it's great! I am so happy I found your blog and linked back to you from my blog. Thanks again!!!

Here is the link:

Unknown said...

I plan on making this pillow this weekend. The instructions mention a "pattern". What are the dimensions of the pattern for pieces B & C? I don't have the August 2010 YG and cannot purchase it online. Thanks for your help.

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