Monday, April 18, 2011

Cranberry Goji: Food with Purpose

Highly recommended fruit juice by yours truly. A blend of cranberries, apples, pears, goji berries, red grapes, black cherries, and concord grapes. If you aren't keen on thicker fruit juices, fill up your cup and dilute it with a bit of water. Don't drink at room temperature! Make sure the drink is chilled.

Here are a few of the benefits:

• 100% juice, no sugars added
• no high fructose corn syrup
• no artificial sweeteners or colors
• 200% Vitamin C
(Highly effective antioxidant, necessary for the growth and repair of all bodily tissues. Your body does not "manufacture" vitamin C, so make sure to get yours daily via food!)
• 1,000% Vitamin B12
(Important in the functioning of the brain, nervous system and metabolism. It also aids in the formation of red blood cells, which we obviously all need.)
• 100 mcg of Lutein
(This one is new to me... an antioxidant that aids in eye health. Verrrrry interrrresting.)
• Over 2,500 ORAC: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
(Helps with aging.)

All of the above summed up in basically a few words: tasty, nutritious and a must-have in the fridge.

Bon appétit.


Lindsay Eryn said...

This sounds delectable! I love the thought of a thick fruit juice! Sounds like you're actually drinking something good for you.

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